I spent another weekend in Ewing Cove in the Sucia Islands with my good buddy David. That place is a little slice of heaven for me.
I've been wanting to tell the story of our trips out there in video for a while now, but haven't been able to nail down the story. What's the story on that? Anyway, I don't just want a bunch of random scenes, I want there to be a thread that holds it all together.
David, the emerging writer (and a fine one too) talked through my difficulty with me and helped me think about it in terms of time. From that we came up with the idea of a time lapse of the tide rising, interrupted by real time video.
Here's the result of that experiment.
Shot with a 7D & 25mm Contax. 296 photos over 2 hours and 10 minutes of minimal tidal action (it only rose 2 feet during the day - the extreme tides were at night).