Friday, June 26, 2009

Makeshift Anchor

We took a family with four small children to Turn Island today.

It was a lot of work:

A full hour drive to the ferry in Anacortes.

A little over an hour ferry ride.

An hour including walk to the boat and eat lunch before leaving the dock.

A half hour transit to Turn Island.

Three rowboat trips to get everyone ashore.

(Remember we have to do the reverse to get home)

Time on the beach: Priceless.

Sometimes the travel is just as much fun as the destination.
This rock was there to make sure we had a dingy to return to...

Shot in mid-day sunlight with 70-200 at 105mm, f8, 1/400th, iso 100 (Hey! - sunny 16 rule)


  1. Nice shot! And what a great place for it - Shannon and I were just there recently... ;-)
